About HNWF
“High Net Worth Friends” (HNWF) is a high level social, professional and leisure group for women. We are derived from a host of constituents which have collaborated to create one of the nations most elite women’s club in the U.S. Are you ready to walk with purpose, do what God has called you to do and gain financial wealth?
Our group brings professionals together to help educate and mentor our members in the area of walking in their God giving calling, investing, starting a business, saving, insurance, home buying and financial literacy through engaging in group events such as, meet-ups, mastermind calls, conferences, seminars, fun social events and our international travel club. Most of all we are a club of loving, compassionate, caring women who want only to pull women up to their highest calling. Isn’t It time you surround yourself with like minded women who are positive and working to achieve their goals in life and want you to achieve your own. We are your biggest cheer leaders waiting to cheer you on.
Change your friends, surrounding and change your life.
Our Events
What Our Members Say
I am thrilled to be apart of this organization. I have learned so much about credit and investments
Maria Vacheresse
I have been able to enjoy meeting new people who are professionals. The monthly networking and seminars are phenomenal.
Karen Jones-Hunter
A circle of positive, like-minded friends who share financial information is wonderful.

No one's ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that's abandoned by February
through knowledge and discipline, financial peace is possible for all of us.
Surround Yourself With Winners & Become One Too
You are a reflection of the people you associate with the most and your attitude,income and lifestyle is the average of that group