Monthly Seminars

Join our monthly seminars. You may find a mentor in the group that is a perfect fit to help you work on your portfolio or, you can request to be assigned financial coach to help you with accomplishing your goals.
By joining our seminars, you instantly add to your network and typically gain the networks of those in the group with you. Everyone in the seminar has unique skill, experience and connections. By interacting with others through the seminars, it’s almost certain that someone in our group will have a solution for you and you may also be able to offer a solution, connection or tactic to help another in the group. Being in our seminar group you gain knowledge and Master Mind that leads to financial security. You can’t help but think bigger when you talk with our high profile guest on our monthly seminar. You will be talking to some amazing people doing amazing things, like our previous guest Sharon L. Lechter is an American accountant, author, businesswoman, investor, motivational speaker, financial literacy activist and philanthropist. visit our event page for date and time